Facial Acupuncture Vancouver

Facial Acupuncture (Cosmetic/Rejuvenation)

Facial acupuncture, also known as Cosmetic or Rejuvenation acupuncture, specifically targets aesthetic conditions, primarily concerning the face. Similar to traditional acupuncture, it involves inserting ultra-thin, sterilized needles into different skin areas to stimulate blood flow and enhance appearance, delay aging, and treat facial skin diseases. It is simple, non-toxic, safe, effective, and has a broad range of indications.

Facial acupuncture has shown significant effects in treating chloasma, acne, flat warts, age spots, hair loss, wrinkles, etc. There are no absolute contraindications to cosmetic acupuncture, and it can be effectively combined with other therapies. Compared with modern beauty methods like Botox or Hyaluronic Acid Injection, acupuncture offers more stable and long-lasting effects, contributing to its growing popularity.

Facial acupuncture can firm and rejuvenate the face by:
• Lifting droopy eyelids
• Reducing fine lines
• Brightening complexion
• Minimizing pores
• Reducing puffiness and swelling
• Reducing jaw tension
• Improving skin texture
• Lessening skin sagging